Archive Of Standardized Exam Questions: Open-Angle Glaucoma


This page is dedicated to organizing various examples of standardized exam questions whose answer is open-angle glaucoma. While this may seem a odd practice, it is useful to see multiple examples of how open-angle glaucoma will be characterized on standardized exams (namely the boards and the shelf exams). This page is not meant to be used as a traditional question bank (as all of the answers will be the same), however seeing the classic “test” characterization for a disease is quite valuable.


Question # 1

A 73 year old male comes to the clinic for an annual check up. His past medical history is notable for diabetes and hypertension. Currently he is taking lisinopirl and atenolol. Currently his vital signs are within normal limits. A fundoscopy reveals cupping of the optic disk, and a visual field exam shows constricted peripheral vision. What is the likely diagnosis in this patient? 

Explanation: cupping of optic disk = open-angle glaucoma


Page Updated: 02.23.2017