Condition Specific Radiology: Hashimoto Thyroiditis


This page is dedicated to covering how the condition Hashimoto thyroiditis will appear on different types of imaging studies.


Fundamentally,  Hashimoto thyroiditis is an autoimmune disorder which causes hypothyroidism.

Here are some general features of this condition that might be appreciated across modalities:

  • Diffusely enlarged thyroid gland 
  • Aggregates of lymphocytes will replace thyroid tissue.
  • Reactive cervical lymph nodes can be present

Key features of the appearance of this condition on this imaging modality are:

  • Diffusely enlarged thyroid gland 
  • Presence of many hypoechoic nodules that give the the gland a “Swiss cheese” appearance. These correspond to the aggregates of lymphocytes.
  • Reactive cervical lymph nodes 

Click on the thumbnails below to see examples of the “Swiss cheese” appearance of the thyroid gland that is characteristic of this condition:

Click on the thumbnails below to see examples of enlarged cervical lymph nodes that is characteristic of this condition:


Page Updated: 02.12.2018