Helicobacter Pylori


Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori): is a curved gram negative rod bacterium.

Visual appearance of H. pylori on an H&E slide (source)
Visual appearance of H. pylori on an H&E slide (source)

Sliver stain can be used for this bacterium.

Silver stain of H. pylori on epithelial cells (source)
Silver stain of H. pylori on epithelial cells (source)

Catalase positive: bubbles observed when bacteria are added to hydrogen peroxide

Oxidase positive: a redox indicator will be turned dark blue when oxidized indicating that the bacterium produces cytochrome c oxidases.

Visual appearance of one form of the oxidase test. A displays an oxidase positive bacteria, and B is the oxidase negative (source)
Visual appearance of one form of the oxidase test. A displays an oxidase positive bacteria, and B is the oxidase negative (source)

Urease positive: this bacteria produces urease that creates an alkaline environment. A urea breath test can be diagnostic for H. pylori colonization.

Antigens excreted in the feces can be used as a diagnostic test as well.


Oral ingestion seems to be the means by which this bacteria is transmitted.


Gastrointestinal conditions can be caused by this bacteria which include:

  • Gastritis (Type B, in the second part of the stomach/antrum)
  • Peptic ulcers (leading cause of duodenal, second biggest cause of gastric behind NSAID use)
  • Gastric cancer (adenocarcinoma)
  • MALT lymphoma/Marginal Zone lymphoma

Triple therapy (for H. pylori infection + ulcers) is a common treatment regimen that includes

  1. Proton pump inhibitor (omeprazole): this medication irreversitbly inhibits the H+/K+ ATPase pump in stomach parietal cells, reducing the pH in the stomach.
  2. Clarithromycin
  3. Amoxicillin: (metronidazole can be used if penicillin allergy)

Gastrin is a GI regulatory substance (which is responsible for proton secretion into the stomach) is increased in chronic atrophic gastritis (that can be caused by H. pylori)


Page Updated: 05.10.2016