OBGYN Post-Op Note
Pre-op diagnosis: ___ yo G#P#### @ # weeks – # days PPROM, induction of labor with ___
Post-op diagnosis: same, delivered, liveborn M/F infant
Procedure: i.e. cesarean section
Type of anesthesia:
IV fluids:
Estimated blood loss:
Urinary output:
Drains (exact location): JP
- liveborn (SEX) at ___am/pm from vtx/breech position.
- Apgar’s ___/___ Wt. ___
- Cord blood sent to lab
- Placenta intact with 3VC
- Clear/meconium fluid
- Nl tubes,ovaries, uterus
Complications: no complications
Disposition: tolerated well. stable condition transferred to recov. rm
Mr. Stepwards, MS3
Pager: XXXX