Phrenic Nerve


The phrenic nerve arises from the C3-C5 spinal roots (mainly C4). it descends through the neck and thorax to innervate the ipsilateral hemidiaphragm.

Branches of C3,C4, and C5 → Phrenic Nerve

Anatomical location and path of the phrenic nerve (source)
Anatomical location and path of the phrenic nerve (source)

This nerve controls the activity of the ipsilateral hemidiaphragm.


Compression/irritation of this nerve can be caused by various mechanisms:

  • Mass effect due to malignancy

Diaphragmatic irritation can manifest as dyspnea amor hiccups

Shoulder pain: this nerve will refer pain to the shoulder on the affected side. This is because the area innervated by the supraclavicular nerve originates from C3, C4.

Respiratory distress can be a consequence of phrenic nerve palsy. Decreased breath sounds can be present, and an elevated hemidiaphragm can be noticed on a chest X-ray.

This X-ray shows an elevated right hemidiaphragm that is caused by phrenic nerve palsy (source)
This X-ray shows an elevated right hemidiaphragm that is caused by phrenic nerve palsy (source)


Page Updated:08.09.2016